Traveler EdgeCanyonlands National Park - Island in the Sky
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Canyonlands National Park - Island in the Sky
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Canyonlands National Park
Green River Overlook  (Click for enlarged view 80K)
Canyonlands National Park is another huge, huge park that is not quite developed. It is divided into sections: Island in the Sky, the Needles and the Maze. We only went to Island in the Sky as it is the most 2-wheel-drive car accessible area. This park seems to be great for four-by-four (and, of course, hiking) and was ideal for adventurousness type of people. Apparently it is not for person who worries about the supply of baby's milk..

Anyway, there are still something you can do in Island section here. I can't say how much though..
Canyonlands National Park 
Shafer Canyon
Canyonlands National Park
Shafer Canyon
The park road was apparently more winding than it looked on the map. The driving demanded full concentration and kept the speed down. Observing park speed limit and paying attention to the warning signs is strongly suggested for your own safety.

There are actually not too many view points along park road. It was huge landscape and the horizon extended for far away with the depth you can't feel from the pictures. We all felt impressive at the moment and disappointed with the pictures. I guess that I would just blame the noon-time sun that washed out the color and contrast. It is the moment I would curse and hope that I can stay for sunset. Unfortunately the number of sunset is limited for the journey.
Canyonlands National Park 
Grand View Point 
Canyonlands National Park
Grand View Point
I have to say that we left with something to be desired, yet I'm not sure what to desire. Being only to a small portion of the park, I know there are a lot more to be explored. However I'm not sure if I have the determination, equipments and time. Next time I'll try to drive a 4X4 (or join some 4X4 tours) to reach more remote places. This park deserves much longer time, but maybe not for the guys who only lodge in big town like Moab..
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