Traveler EdgeVoyageurs National Park - Lake Scene
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Voyageurs National Park - Lake Scene
Visits :
   Voyageurs Home  |  Ash River  |  Kettle Falls  |  Lake Sunset  |  Animal
Voyageurs National Park Lake Scene
The boat tour started from the Kabetogama Lake visitor center. The most precious thing of the tour was the opportunity to see so many wild animals. We also appreciated the ranger's detailed introduction of the area, the stories and her help pointing out the animals on the way. Without her help I probably couldn't find or see any bald eagle at all.
Voyageurs National Park Lake Scene
The park is located on the boundary between Canada and US. The day we visited was warm and comfortable. However, during winter the whole area is just like a huge refrigerator with the whole lake frozen.

Voyageurs National Park Lake Scene
The ride was very smooth. It took a little more than one hour to reach our destination - Kettle Falls.

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